Change and hope comes from voting for someone you believe in.
My motivation to run for office stems from my frustration with the current state of politics. Rather than prioritizing the needs of West Virginians, both parties have become entrenched in party politics and the agendas delivered to them from DC. That is not the West Virginia I know and love. The result is that West Virginians voices are lost and we the people are forgotten. As a candidate, my mission is to eliminate the barriers preventing our success and pave the way for a brighter future for all West Virginians. I want to bring back West Virginia values to Charleston. The part of West Virginia where we take care of our neighbors and get things things done for each each other.
Mountaineers are always free. Bureaucrats should not tell us how to live our lives, who to be or waste our money.
West Virginia government makes it as hard for business to operate as they can. Imagine if all the business in our state got the same hand outs as the corporations our politicians try to lure here! If we had a business friendly state, we would not have to offer sweet heart deals to certain entities to get them to West Virginia. Asset-based development is a sustainable way to promote economic growth through the resources, skills and strengths West Virginia already has. It is time we stopped selling our people, our land and the soul of West Virginia as our only growth strategy. We must remove the regulation and bureaucracy that prevents local businesses and entrepreneurs from being successful. Free markets are the way to the future. It is time for the government to stop picking winners and losers.
One of the biggest problems we face today is that many things that
should not be considered crimes are labeled as crimes. Worse yet,
many of these non-violent actions are punished more harshly than
are violent crimes.
Only actions that involve force or fraud
should be labeled as “crimes”. Such crimes should
be prosecuted and punished by our justice system but that actions
that don't involve force or fraud should not be criminalized or
penalized in the first place. Further, the "State of Emergency" and the resulting lawsuits in our jails is unacceptable.
West Virginia's most important resource is our children. Education of our children is the cornerstone to our society. Parents and teachers are in the best position to determine the needs of our students. We must give teachers the ability to use their degrees in the classroom. Parents must have the full choice to determine which education is the best for their child and their family. Whether, this means public school, home school, a charter school, a private school or a co-op; the only job of the government should not stand in the way of education.
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